Hadi Mokhtarian, born in 1975, has studied photography at Tehran’s Arts & Architecture University and works as photo journalist. He has worked with several Iranian newspapers including Ayandeh; Asia; Hamvatan; and Hamshahri.
Aside and is active in several NGOs such as the Children’s Foundation, the Association for the Protection of Street Children and Working Children in Iran to help children’s needs. He is also have experienced combining photography in nature, desert and war with children; for example he photographed the view of civilians and children during the 33-day war between Lebanon and Israel which were showed in Ankara exhibition in 2007.
The nonprofit “Dusty Living” exhibition in Hanover(2007), Tehran(2015) and in Munich(February 2019) were held by him to support children in Saravan and Chabahar provinces in Iran in order to maintain their peaceful future.
His photoghraps about the nature, climate and water originating from the Caspian sea in northern Iran has been exhibited in Tehran(2017). As he mentioned the purpose of “Life in Nature” exhibitions is to promote sustainable development , the green and friendly generation, in Iran so the children who grow up in catastrophic conditions and environmental contaminants,would form through education for a secure future.
In September 2019, he has held an exhibition at the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft in Munich entitled “The Future of environment and Children” in which he have showed the Iranian city of Kalut and working children’s painting of nature in the heart of the desert.
In November 2019, he has held “From imagination to reality” at the Children’s Rights Symposium In cooperation with the United Nations (30 Years of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child) in order to support children’s needs in Iran.
The symposium is on the Association of “Time and Faith”, “the Catholic Scientific Association of the Archdiocese of Vienna” in collaboration with the “Young Austrian Catholic, the College of Education (KPH) Vienna” / Karzam, and the e.V and was sponsored by the Vienna Cultural Bureau, the Science and Research Fund of the Future Republic of Austria.
The income from the sale of these photoes supports the projects on the Iranian-Pakistani border under the supervision of Hope nonprofit Association.